NEPCA Archived Documents/旧文件
NEPCA's Publicity.
The following links have information about Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA) in the media and recognition of Mingchu Pearl Huynh and her works in NEPCA.
1) Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/6/2020
Extensive coverage about Mingchu Pearl Huynh and NEPCA.
2) Philadelphia Magazine, 11/2018
Article about the Northeast Philadelphia Immigrant Community and mentioned the works of the Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA) and Mingchu Pearl Huynh:
3) New York Times, 7/20/2018
"Leaving New York to Find the American Dream in Philadelphia" article covered Pearl Huynh and The Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA).
4) Youtube: PHILADELPHIA news. Pearl Huynh received Awards from the City of PHILADELPHIA, April 2019
5) NEPCA covered on NBC10 Philly Live in Feburary , 2022 by Aunyea Lachelle
On Wednesday 2/16 at 11:45AM-12Am Philly Live NBC10 (Chanel 10.1) broadcast the interview with Northeast Philly‘s Ms. Wu Yue Xian of the Chinese Coco Square Dancing team and Ms. Mingchu Pearl Huynh of the Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association at China Gourmet Restaurant.
2/16/2022费城电视台 Philly Live NBC10 (Chanel 10.1) 在金鼎酒楼访问Coco跳舞队的吴月仙老师和东北费城公益协会的黄明珠会长。点击下面链接播放: